Original designs, screen printed in Juneau, AK

Shop Local Re-Usable Tote
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Product image 1Shop local Juneau re-usable shopping bag
Product image 2Shop local Juneau re-usable shopping tote

Regular price $ 13.99

The perfect reusable shopping bag.  

Premium canvas shopping tote, with a Mother and Baby Bear out for a lovely evening, and the words "SHOP LOCAL JUNEAU"

Show your support for local business and help save the environment by keeping plastic out of our landfill, oceans, and rainforest. 

Treetop Tees is a local Juneau T-shirt shop focused on providing our town with high quality products, and the softest apparel out there, plus original Alaska souvenirs.   We love this amazing place we call home, and want to protect it for generations to come.  These reusable shopping totes are just one simple step towards the goal of a cleaner planet and brighter future for the kiddos. 

Thanks for shopping local Juneau!

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